3. Usage

The main idea is that constants are instances of Constant class (or its subclasses) and they are stored inside subclasses of ConstantsContainer class which are called containers.

Every constant has its own name which is equal to the name of container’s attribure they are assigned to. Every container is a singleton, i.e. you just need to define container’s class and use it. You are not permitted to create instances of containers. This is unnecessary. Containers have class methods for accessing constants in different ways.

Constants remember the order they were defined inside container.

Constants may have custom attributes and methods. Containers may have custom class methods. See customization docs.

Constants may be converted into groups of constants providing ability to create different constant hierarchies (see Hierarchies).

3.1. Simple constants

Simple constants are really simple. They look like enumerations in Python 3.4:

>>> from candv import SimpleConstant, Constants
>>> class STATUS(Constants):
...     SUCCESS = SimpleConstant()
...     FAILURE = SimpleConstant()

And they can be used just like enumerations. Here STATUS is a subclass of candv.Constants. The latter can contain any instances of Constant class or its subclasses. SimpleConstant is just an alias to candv.base.Constant.

Access some constant:

<constant 'STATUS.SUCCESS'>

Access its name:


List names of all constants in the container:

>>> STATUS.names()

List all constants in the container:

>>> STATUS.constants()
[<constant 'STATUS.SUCCESS'>, <constant 'STATUS.FAILURE'>]

Check whether the container has constant with a given name:

>>> STATUS.contains('SUCCESS')
>>> STATUS.contains('XXX')

Get constant by name or get a KeyError:

>>> STATUS.get_by_name('FAILURE')
<constant 'STATUS.FAILURE'>
>>> STATUS.get_by_name('XXX')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "candv/base.py", line 316, in get_by_name
    .format(name, cls.__name__))
KeyError: "Constant with name 'XXX' is not present in 'STATUS'"

3.2. Constants with values

Constants with values behave like simple constants, except they can have any object attached to them as a value. It’s something like an ordered dictionary:

>>> from candv import ValueConstant, Values
>>> class TEAMS(Values):
...     NONE = ValueConstant(0)
...     RED = ValueConstant(1)
...     BLUE = ValueConstant(2)

Here TEAMS is a subclass of Values, which is a more specialized container than Constants. As you may guessed, ValueConstant is a more specialized constant class than SimpleConstant and its instances have own values. Values and its subclasses treat as constants only instances of ValueConstant or its sublasses:

>>> class INVALID(Values):
...     FOO = SimpleConstant()
...     BAR = SimpleConstant()

Here INVALID contains 2 instances of SimpleConstant, which is more gerenal then ValueConstant. It’s not an error, but those 2 constants will be invisible for the container:

>>> INVALID.constants()

Ok, let’s get back to our TEAMS. You can access values of constants:

>>> TEAMS.RED.value

Get constant by its value or get ValueError:

>>> TEAMS.get_by_value(2)
<constant 'TEAMS.BLUE'>
>>> TEAMS.get_by_value(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "candv/__init__.py", line 146, in get_by_value
    value, cls.__name__))
ValueError: Value '-1' is not present in 'TEAMS'

List all values inside the container:

>>> TEAMS.values()
[0, 1, 2]

If you have different constants with equal values, it’s OK anyway:

>>> class FOO(Values):
...     ATTR1 = ValueConstant('one')
...     ATTRX = ValueConstant('x')
...     ATTR2 = ValueConstant('two')
...     ATTR1_DUB = ValueConstant('one')

Here FOO.ATTR1 and FOO.ATTR1_DUB have identical values. In this case method get_by_value() will return first constant with given value:

>>> FOO.get_by_value('one')
<constant 'FOO.ATTR1'>

If you need to get all constants with same value, use filter_by_value() method instead:

>>> FOO.filter_by_value('one')
[<constant 'FOO.ATTR1'>, <constant 'FOO.ATTR1_DUB'>]

3.3. Verbose constants

How often do you do things like below?

>>> TYPE_FOO = 'foo'
>>> TYPE_BAR = 'bar'
>>> TYPES = (
...     (TYPE_FOO, "Some foo constant"),
...     (TYPE_BAR, "Some bar constant"),
... )

This is usually done to add verbose names to constants which you can use somewhere, e.g in HTML template:

{% for code, name in TYPES %}
    <option value='{{ code }}'>{{ name }}</option>
{% endfor %}

Okay. How about adding help text? Extend tuples? Or maybe create some TYPES_DESCRIPTIONS tuple? How far can you go and how ugly can you make it? Well, spare yourself from headache and use verbose constants VerboseConstant and VerboseValueConstant:

>>> from candv import VerboseConstant, Constants
>>> class TYPES(Constants):
...     foo = VerboseConstant("Some foo constant", "help")
...     bar = VerboseConstant(verbose_name="Some bar constant",
...                           help_text="some help")

Here you can access verbose_name and help_text as attributes of constants:

>>> TYPES.foo.verbose_name
'Some foo constant'
>>> TYPES.foo.help_text

Now you can rewrite your code:

{% for constant in TYPES.constants() %}
    <option value='{{ constant.name }}' title='{{ constant.help_text }}'>{{ constant.verbose_name }}</option>
{% endfor %}

Same thing with values, just use VerboseValueConstant:

>>> from candv import VerboseValueConstant, Values
>>> class TYPES(Values):
...     FOO = VerboseValueConstant('foo', "Some foo constant", "help")
...     BAR = VerboseValueConstant('bar', verbose_name="Some bar constant",
...                                       help_text="some help")
>>> TYPES.FOO.value
>>> TYPES.FOO.verbose_name
'Some foo constant'
>>> TYPES.FOO.help_text

Our sample HTML block will look almost the same, except value attribute:

{% for constant in TYPES.constants() %}
    <option value='{{ constant.value }}' title='{{ constant.help_text }}'>{{ constant.verbose_name }}</option>
{% endfor %}

3.4. Hierarchies

candv library supports direct attaching of a group of constants to another constant to create hierarchies. A group can be created from any constant and any container can be used to store children. You may already saw this in introduction, but let’s examine simple example:

>>> from candv import Constants, SimpleConstant
>>> class TREE(Constants):
...     LEFT = SimpleConstant().to_group(Constants,
...         LEFT=SimpleConstant(),
...         RIGHT=SimpleConstant(),
...     )
...     RIGHT = SimpleConstant().to_group(Constants,
...         LEFT=SimpleConstant(),
...         RIGHT=SimpleConstant(),
...     )

Here the key point is to_group() method which is avaivable for every constant. It accepts class that will be used to construct new container and any number of constant instances passed as keywords. You can access any group as any usual constant and use it as any usual container at the same time:

<constant 'TREE.LEFT.LEFT'>
>>> TREE.RIGHT.names()